Thursday, April 19, 2012

Community Helpers' Day

Last Friday was Community Helpers' Day at New Life Christian Academy in Bessemer, Alabama. Complaints and Inquiry Clerk Lasabria Smith (pictured below with the kids) represented the USPS and was kind enough to share the following pictures and to tell us about the fun-filled morning.

Lasabria wrote: " I explained to the kids how the Postal Service was active in the community by delivering mail to millions of people and how we process it.  I also brought them Postal coloring books and Postal crayons.  The teacher, Ms. Poe, has relatives that work for the Postal Service as well. They provided her with the hat, shirt, and satchel, making her look like a real Postal employee.  I really thought she was."

Lasabria was right: the teacher and everyone else in the picture above could definitely pass as Postal employees.

Carla Dudley, a parent to one of the children, told us more about Community Helpers' Day as a whole.
The Learning Center at New Life celebrates Community Helper's Day annually during the month of April.  The purpose of the day is to make the students aware of the many people who serve the citizens within the community in which they live and go to school.  
On Friday, April 13, The Learning Center welcomed the U. S. Postal Service, Bessemer Fire Department, Home Depot, doctors and nurses from a local clinic, Police officials, the U. S. National Guard and more.  Each Pre K-3 and K-4 class had a different community helper theme.
 The classrooms were decorated, themed goodies were passed out, and the students were dressed in theme.  It was an awesome day and an awesome way to acknowledge those who give so much of themselves daily.  It is also an excellent way to develop relationships and community partnerships alike.

The USPS is proud to have been invited to Community Helpers' Day in Bessemer and we hope that everyone had a fun, educational morning (it sure looks like they did!)

Our thanks to Lasabria Smith and Carla Dudley for sharing the morning with us, too.