Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day Facts and Birmingham BURRP-ing contest

Birmingham Contest Announcement sent by Sandy Scott: 

Earth Day is organized around low-cost and no-cost actions we can take to conserve our natural resources and save money, too! This campaign complements the Go Green Stamps theme launched in 2011. If you feel as if there’s not much one person can do to make a positive impact — You are wrong! 

“BURRP” (Bring UR Recyclable Paper) was started to promote and encourage postal employees to bring in their Recyclable Paper from Home.  Everyone should have a blue reusable SOAR Bag for recycling.  If not, contact Roy Davis at 521-7925 or email

This Friday, April 20th fill your SOAR bags.  For each bag that is presented, your name will go into a drawing for a goodie basket!  This event will take the place of the BURRP day normally initiated by Roy.   

Meet us at the BURRP drop location near the second floor elevators between 10:00 am & 10:30 am this Friday, April 20th to get your name in the drawing for the basket!!!

Items you may include are:

Phone books
Color or white paper
Greeting cards
Wrapping paper

Do not include:

Financial transactions or sensitive information of any kind
Documents that include Social Security Numbers
Food contaminated paper
Waxed paper, milk cartons or juice cartons
Oil soaked paper
Carbon paper
Sanitary products or tissues
Thermal fax paper
Stickers or plastic laminated paper
Pet food bags
Plastics bags and liners
Laminated paper