Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Live from Monroeville: To Kill a Mockingbird commemorative event

Last Friday, the town of Monroeville, Alabama, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the film To Kill a Mockingbird by introducing a commemorative envelope and pictorial postmark that were designed by the world-famous artist Nicolosi. 

The festivities began at 10am  in the Monroeville downtown square, which is directly in front of the iconic courthouse. 

Second graders from Monroeville Elementary School waiting to march down the center of the crowd towards the front of the gathering.

Once there, they did a wonderful job of leading everyone in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Once again, Monroeville Clerk Stacey Walton-Leggitte sang a rousing a cappella rendition of The National Anthem that inspired an enthusiastic round of applause from the audience.

Monroeville Mayor Mike Kennedy: "I give a heartfelt thank you to Nicolosi for his contribution to our city. At this time, on behalf of the City of Monroeville, I would like to present him with the key to the city."

Postmaster Tonya Hadley and Nicolosi unveil the pictorial postmark that was designed by Nicolosi.

Postmaster David Neilon, Mayor Mike Kennedy, Nicolosi, and Postmaster Tonya Hadley with the freshly unveiled Nicolosi commemorative envelope.

Nicolosi and Tonya Hadley conclude the ceremonies.

For several hours, visitors lined up to meet Nicolosi and to have him autograph their commemorative envelopes.

Clerk Stacy Walton-Leggitte did triple duty that day: singing, selling, and stamping.

Behind the busy table are Sandy Scott, Nicolosi, and Survivor competitor Colton Cumbie.

Jerry Payne (l) and Tony Scaramouche came all the way from Florida for the festivities and to attend the Heritage Museum's red carpet documentary screening the next day.

We don't yet know the final revenue tallies, but no matter what they end up being, this event soared at achieving community involvement and public good will.

All of the pictures above were taken by Postmarks' own Marvin Owens.