Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Safely on the Road to Success

Last Friday, Huntsville Plant Manager Roger Hyde assembled Huntsville's MVS drivers to show his appreciation for their dedication to safety. The drivers received certificates, pizza, and a nominal award.

In the past 18 months, the Huntsville drivers have had ZERO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS!

Proud of his staff,  Hyde said, "The Huntsville Plant Motor Vehicle Operators understand their role in our business and the importance of performing their duties safely and effectively. We appreciate the positive image they project for the Postal Service. Their efforts will help ensure our continued success."

Pictured above from left to right are Roger Hyde, Jerry Gilbert, Steve Saint, Billy Russell, Jonah Patterson, Jose Rivasluyando, James Dabbs, Lannis Martin, David Barnes, Paul Paetow, and Valerie Underwood.
Not included on the side of the truck are Johnny Anderson, Tommy Medley, and James Spears.  

The highlight of the short gathering was the National Safety Council Safe Driver award that was presented to MVS Driver Lannis Martin for 25 accident-free years on the road.

Hyde reading from Martin's award: "National Safety Council Safe Driver Awards are recognized trademarks of professional drivers who have proven their skill at avoiding traffic accidents. They are the highest honor for professional safe driving. Your job performance as a motor vehicle operator for the US Postal Service includes not being involved in a preventable motor vehicle accident for a total of 25 years."

To learn more about the National Safety Council's award program that was developed specifically for the US Postal Service, click here.