Monday, February 14, 2011

Is your heart on fire? Birmingham MVS can help!

Last Thursday, the Birmingham MVS received fire safety training from Birmingham Fire & Rescue. Employees learned about what causes fires and how to operate fire extinguishers, and then were given the opportunity to practice what they had learned.

When faced with an unexpected fire, the acronym P.A.S.S. has two meanings. If the fire is too large to be contained with a small extinguisher, pass on attempting to stop it by yourself, leave the area, and immediately call for help.

If the fire is small enough for you to handle, P.A.S.S. also stands for the steps that you take in operating the extinguisher:
P = Pull the pin.
A = Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
S = Squeeze the handle.
S = Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is put out.

After the classroom training, the Fire & Rescue trainers took everyone outside to apply what they had just learned.

Clerk Kay Crumley was the first to give it a shot.


Everyone took a turn. Postmarks doesn't have enough room here on the blog to post all of the pictures, but if you'll visit our Facebook page (if you haven't been there before, you can get there by clicking on the Facebook icon on the upper left of the home page), we posted an album that contains all of the pictures.