Wednesday, February 16, 2011

YOU are the brand

Leadership is action not position.
-Charles H. McGannon

Usually, when members of the public form opinions about the Postal Service, it's not the Postmaster General or Al the Mailman that they think about: it is the Postal worker on the front lines with whom  they interact most frequently that comes to mind.

Postmasters, retail associates, and carriers ARE the Postal Service to a majority of the population, and that's why it is so important for those workers to be supported and to be recognized when they are doing their best to provide excellent customer service. A large portion of our success rests upon their shoulders.

Today, Postmarks would like to welcome two new members to the 100% Retail Customer Experience (RCE) Club.

The first group is from the Decatur Post Office. Pictured below from left to right are Postmaster Jane Harper and Retail Associates Mark Gilreath and Sherry Pieper.

About her retail associates, Harper said, "These two are both excellent employees. They do a great job with our customers, show a lot of caring and concern. On a daily basis, I watch them demonstrate their knowledge of their position and the efforts that they take to move the line while still being personable and friendly."

The second group is from the Orange Beach Post Office.

Orange Beach
Left to right: Postmaster Patti Meyer, Retail Associates Dixie Nolte and Raven Booth

"They go above and beyond, they really do," said Patti Meyer about her clerks. "We've got a lot of snowbirds that come our way in the winter who forget to send the $2 for their keys. Our clerks will pay the money for the customers and send them a note asking for reimbursement when they arrive in town."

Actually, though, the person who was "shopped" and earned the perfect score was Postmaster Meyer. Initially, she didn't make 100% because the shopper reported that Meyer was out of uniform. But due to Meyer's protest, Orange Beach's score was changed to a perfect one.

Meyer has some advice for other postmasters who have to work the window: "Your Postal badge is not enough: wear your name tag, too."

Postmarks congratulates both offices on their accomplishments and thanks Carol Brekle, Patti Meyer, and Jane Harper for helping us share this story.