Friday, March 12, 2010

Monarch Estates Carrier Appreciation Day

Monarch Estates is a assisted-living facility in Auburn, Alabama. The residents wanted their carrier, City Carrier Donna McGinty, to know how much they appreciated her care and service, so last week, they arranged their own Carrier Appreciation Day: they provided and delivered  sack lunches for all 35 Auburn carriers.
When asked about her relationship with the 95 residents, Ms. McGinty said, "I see them all as my grandparents, and I want to treat them like I would want to be treated."

Postmarks wishes to thank Monarch Estates for their considerate efforts: all the Auburn carriers are very grateful for the meals and especially for your positive thoughts and gestures of gratitude. Knowing that we make people happy by caring and providing good service is something that all employees need to remember, and it's great to be reminded of that.

And we especially extend a big thank you to Donna McGinty. Your dedicated service is admirable, an example for everyone to emulate.

A full article about this event will be included in this quarter's newsletter.