Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Week's Troll-phy

Red Bay PTF Retail Associate Renee Smallwood adores the Travelocity Gnome. When she went to The Roaming Gnome online store to purchase a t-shirt, she noticed that the shipping was expensive and that USPS was not an option.

She emailed the company, explained that she was a Postal worker and that USPS shipping was cheaper, and within a day, not only did the store offer USPS shipping, it also made USPS the default shipper for their online orders.

"I just explained to them that we offer a great service for an affordable price," said Smallwood. After the shipping change was in place, she went ahead and ordered the shirt.

Postmarks thinks that Renee is the perfect example of what we should all be doing right now, and to show her how much we admire her gumption and common sense, we award her this week's On the Ball trophy.

A longer version of this story will be included in this quarter's newsletter.

Note to readers: Postmarks is aware the gnomes and trolls are not the same thing.