Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Heroic Carrier Lisa Gray Saves Woman's Life

While on her route last week, Helena Carrier Lisa Gray noticed that a customer’s yard had filled with water in the short amount of time that had passed since she had delivered the mail there earlier in the day.

She heard yelling and then saw the customer, a woman in her 60’s, clinging to a rock in her flowerbed, trying to keep the rushing water from pulling her into a nearby storm drain. All Lisa could see was the woman’s head. “I just pulled up in her driveway real quick and jumped out,” Lisa said.

Wading waist deep into the rushing water, Lisa grabbed the woman with one hand and used her cell phone to call 911 with the other. ”The operator wanted me to stay on the line, but I said to her I can't do that." She needed both hands to hang on, and even they weren't enough.

The moment that help arrived, the woman slipped from Lisa’s grasp and entered the flooded drain. The police officer rushed to the other end of the drain, which was about fifty feet from the opening, grabbed the woman when she emerged, and revived her. The woman remains in the hospital but is expected to make a full recovery.

Lisa denies that she did anything heroic and is uncomfortable with all of the attention that she is receiving. "I would just hope that anyone would do that," she said.
For her bravery, concern, and modesty, Postmarks presents this week's On the Job, On the Ball virtual trophy to Lisa Gray, who deserves a stack of awards. We wish that we could do much more to show our respect and appreciation.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

To read a longer article about Lisa Gray, see the next issue of Postmarks.