Friday, February 24, 2012

Packing the house in Blountsville

Blountsville Postmaster Rodney Ratliff entertained and educated a post office full of kids a few weeks ago, and he was kind enough to invite us, too. What follows is in his own words, with pictures taken by Postmarks' Marvin Owens: 

From Rodney: 
On Feb 10, we had a visit by more than 100 first graders from Blountsville Elementary. 

They came by to mail their Valentines cards and get an upclose look of the Blountsville Post Office.

The kids lined up at the counter and bought one stamp at a time.

The wait time in line was a little longer than normal, but we did not have any complaints. The kids were well behaved and each one had a story to tell.

I made sure that each one had one of our USPS color books and crayons to take with them. 

 It was good to help our school with this field trip and it made our day here at the Post Office.

Our thanks to Postmaster Rodney Ratliff and the kids from Blountsville Elementary for sharing your lovely day with us!