Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dear Abby, how do we stay as safe as you?

Langston Post Office OIC Wanda Nelson recognized Langston Rural Carrier Abby R. Tyler (right) for 19 years of safe driving. Abby received a Safe Driving Pin and Certificate for 19 years of accident-free rural delivery driving.

Wanda is proud to work with Abby and considers her an asset to the Postal Service and her community.

About Abby, Wanda writes

Abby and her husband Ronnie live in Skyline, AL, where they have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. She began her postal career at Scottsboro as an RCA. 
Abby serves her customers in the Langston Community with care and respect. She has been known to go above the call of duty on numerous occasions to make sure that her customers receive the service they deserve. 
They all love their "Dear Abby," as she is referred to by many. Abby shows concern for those on her route-- not just as her customers but as someone who really cares about people. She checks on them when they are sick, and at Christmas, she made note of families that were in need and turned their names in to a local church for assistance. 
Abby is one of the best carriers I have ever worked with. She is an excellent employee that represents the Postal Service well.
A big thank you to Abby for her dedication, care, and service and to Wanda Nelson for telling us all about her.