Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Montgomery postal employees play Santa at Thelma Smiley Morris Elementary School

This heartwarming report and the accompanying pictures were sent to us by Montgomery General Clerk Carol Tolliver: 

On Thursday, Dec.15, 2011, Santa (in the form of postal employees) visited Thelma Smiley Morris Elementary School.

The principal, Tamara Winson, provided the names of 21 underprivileged children.  The names were assigned to different sections throughout the Montgomery Post Office.  Hampers along with the child's wishlist were set up for each child . All employees showed the Christmas spirit by making the children's wishes come true.

On Thursday morning, the caravan to the school began: two LLV's, one van, three trucks, and one suv made their way to the school. 

There were 20 bicycles and numerous gifts for each child.  

Ziann Goree and Rita Brooks

Delivering all of the goodies were Montgomery Postmaster Donald Snipes, Lagoon Park Station Manager Julius Williams, Westside Station Manager Rita Brooks, Postmaster's Secretary Eve Golden, Montgomery Plant Secretary Ziann Goree, General Clerk Carol Tolliver, Driving Safety Instructor George Pelt, Darlene and Abby Snipes (wife and daughter of Donald Snipes),and Ruth Roark (wife of David Roark-Station Manager-Shakespeare).

Darlene Snipes, Abby Snipes, and Ruth Roark

 Ruth Roark and Julius Williams

 The room filled quickly with an abundance of gifts. 

The children couldn't wait to see what Santa had brought for them. 

Principal Tamara Winston and some of her students. 

The children were very excited for their good fortune.  When we left, they wished us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.