Phyllis White and Rhonda Bufford |
The Combined Federal Campaign 2012 pledges are complete. Recently, at an event held at Workplay in Birmingham, the Alabama District CFC team presented the United Way with a check from all of us who participated in this year's drive.
CFC Director Christy D. Craig, Rhonda Bufford, and Phyllis White
We exceeded our 2012 goal by contributing a grand total of $355, 573.22! This is a higher amount than what is reflected on the giant check because at the last minute, an employee volunteered another $650 annual donation.
While in the midst of challenging economic times, our CFC coaches did an excellent job reminding, motivating, and inspiring the Alabama District team.
And a big thank you to each and every person who participated by donating money to their choice of United Way charities this year: know that YOU have made a difference.