Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grant Postmaster Dave Powell beats the heat and the competition

Grant Postmaster Dave Powell has been playing ice hockey for most of his life and is currently playing and coaching in the Huntsville/Decatur area.

Recently, when New Hope Postmaster Marianne Carr informed us that Dave's team had just won a national championship, we had to find out more, so we asked Dave to tell us all about it.

Team captain Dave Powell holds the trophy that was just won by his over-50 team.
Here's what he said:
From Montgomery to Huntsville, ice rinks are hosting league games, tournaments and pleasure skating events on a regular basis. Huntsville has two competitive teams: The UAH Chargers and The Huntsville Havoc semi-pro team.

Recently, I formed my first over-50 team and headed to Nashville for a major tournament. There were a total of 40 teams of several different levels playing over a three-day weekend.

The over-50 division consisted of teams from Michigan, Florida, Ohio and Alabama.

The first game was Friday night against Florida and resulted in a tie score of 4-4. The next game also tied against Michigan. Finally, on Saturday afternoon, we won a game by beating Ohio 3-2.
This put us in the finals playing Michigan again . It was a really tough game, but I moved the lines around and made some other changes that worked well. We won 5-1 and brought home the trophy.

It was a great weekend, and no one was hurt, which is always a good thing. Our team is sponsored by Gatr Technologies in Huntsville and was well represented by the Post Office as well. In fact, when I was there, I sold a book of stamps and mailed my buddy’s letters for him!

Congratulations on the big win, and we'll all be rooting for you to have many more.

Thanks to Marianne Carr and Dave Powell for the information and pictures.