Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bessemer is doing it right

Once again, the employees at the Bessemer Post Office are going the extra mile to raise revenue and to provide the best service to our customers.

Several times in the past year, we have featured events and achievements in Bessemer: breast cancer awareness events, excellent VOE scores, an employee breakfast, a huge customer connect success, an Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) seminar, and the list goes on.

It seems like all of the Bessemer staff,  regardless of function or level, are striving together to achieve their common mission, which is the success of the Postal Service.

Last week's event in Bessemer was a seminar for people who are interested in selling things on eBay.

In the class, Christopher Ritchey covered all that one would need to know about shipping online items with the U.S. Postal Service. He also went over the Package Pickup service options, how to choose which option is right for you, and the four simple rules for pickup.

Participants in the class were also interested in learning more about Every Door Direct Mail and about how this new affordable service that the Postal Service offers can really benefit someone who is trying to grow a small business.

Postmarks can't wait to see what Bessemer's next move is going to be and hopes that their example will inspire and motivate other offices to try and top them.