Monday, May 9, 2011

Linda Wright at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C.

This is Principal Human Resources Generalist Linda Wright at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C., which occured on April 30 - May 1, 2011.  This year, over 2,300 participants raised more than $5 million.

Linda trained for weeks prior to entering the walk. Avon provides participants with exercise schedules so that they will prepared for the two-day event. "I enjoy it, and I think that once people get started, they'll enjoy it, too," Linda said.

An even bigger commitment was rounding up sponsors and donations because in order to participate in the walk, entrants must raise a minimum of $1800, a challenge at which Linda was also successful.

In addition to walking for two days in an historic area that included all of the capital monuments (walkers could walk a marathon or half-marathon on day one, and walked a half-marathon on day two), participants attended opening and closing ceremonies and spent the night in between walks at Wellness Village, which was staged in Meadowbrook Park and provided tents, meals, and fellowship.

Herself a breast cancer survivor, Linda said that talking about the disease with the people in your life is so important. She discovered this with her own mother. "Because I had breast cancer, I just assumed that my mother was getting her exams, but I found out that she wasn't. I talked her into going to the doctor, and it ended up that she had breast cancer and is now a survivor, too."

We thank Linda for working so hard to help eliminate breast cancer, and if you would like to learn more about Avon Walks for Breast Cancer that are scheduled around the country, click here.