Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Help Stamp Out Hunger this Saturday in Alabama: a call to action!

Just a reminder about the letter carriers' food drive Stamp Out Hunger, which is this Saturday, May 14. This is everyone's chance to help replenish your own community's local food banks and pantries, which have been hit particularly hard lately in Alabama.

All of you carriers, try to get plenty of rest in the next couple of days because we're all going to be leaving bags full of food by our mailboxes for you to pick up.

The recent tornados combined with an already-lagging economy have left so many Alabamians in need of a helping hand.

Below are pictures of the line of people at the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham who are applying for food stamp relief because of storm damage or a loss of power. And this is not even everyone in this area who is eligible for aid: only people whose last names end in F-J could apply today.

Go through your pantries and perhaps do a little bit of extra shopping by Saturday, collect non-perishable food items in plastic grocery bags (which will be recycled), and place them near your mailbox before your letter carrier's arrival on Saturday.

What exactly are non-perishable food items?
Here are some examples:
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Dry cereals
  • Sugar and flour
  • Pasta
  • Canned and dried beans: black, pinto, lentils
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned or boxed meals: soup, chili, macaroni and cheese
  • Canned meats: tuna, chicken, salmon
  • Canned, bottled, or boxed juice, Gatorade, water
  • Pudding and fruit cups
  • Baby food and formula
  • Canned pet food
Check labels and containers prior to donation because nothing expired or made of glass can be accepted.

And one last request: Postmarks will be covering the food drive here in Birmingham and the surrounding areas on Saturday, but we could really use some help from you. We want to include stories and pictures of Postal employees from all over the state, so if you or your co-workers take some pictures of the food drive (at the Post Office, at the food bank or pantry, collecting food from a customer, etc.) and would like to share them with us, we would be thrilled to get them (and of course, we'll give you credit). Members of the public are welcome to submit, too.