Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stamp Out Hunger 2011 in Birmingham

Woodlawn Carrier Nikki Johnson was the first carrier of the day that we were lucky to encounter on her route. Seeing her enthusiasm about participating in the drive and her overall positive attitude towards her job was a great way to start the day. "As long as I do my job to the best of my ability, I have peace of mind," she said. 

A dapper City Carrier J.J. Rutledge was also happy to show us the beginning of his haul: "I feel that the food drive is very good. There's a need, and this drive fills a big gap. This is my 17th year doing it; it's a good cause."

City Carriers Regina Bryant and James Key 

Bradly Bowden and Justin Epperly at the Downtown Carrier Facility. Epperly: "Me and my buddy compete every year to see who can get the most food."

Reginald Berry

Gary Glover and Mike Mearns

Edwin Butler unloading all of the food that he collected at the Green Springs Carrier Facility

 Jerome Morgan and Willie Salter

Levente Stewart and Ron Widner

Gary Ballard shows off his take for the day.

Food Bank Director Mike Fuller: "I've been here at the food bank for 21 years, since the very beginning of the food drive. That first year, we got 5 banana boxes worth of food. Two years later, it grew to 175,000 pounds."

Will Simley

Jeff Anderson: "When you do this, you're helping somebody. I've seen a lot of people who need help right now because I live in Pleasant Grove."

Eastlake Carrier James LLewellyn at the food bank

Eastlake Carrier Tyrone Murray

Eastlake Carrier Robert Thomas helping to unload his truck at the food bank.

 Hoover Carriers Michelle Strothers and Angela Smith

Hoover Carrier Richard Foster and Acting Birmingham Postmaster Mike Allison 

Mike Allison with carriers Pam Colston, Antonia Shields (local NALC president), Sherica Gardner

Leslie Green catches his breath while his truck is unloaded at the food bank. 

Mike Allison unloading a truck at the food bank

Forestdale Carrier Kyle Wilkinson delivers an LLV that is completely full of donated food. 

Within the next couple of days, we'll post all of the pictures that we took of the food drive in our Facebook album, which you'll be able to access by clicking on our link that is located on the upper left corner of this page. 

Postmarks is so proud of all of our carriers and looks forward to posting more pictures from around the state.