Tuesday, May 17, 2011

National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Despite the fact that last year, 5,600 of our letter carriers were bitten by dogs, we here at the USPS don't hate dogs. Many of us adore our canine companions but are simply cursed with having to wear a uniform that irks the stew out of a majority of our customers' beloved, four-legged family members.

Owney, the Postal Mascot from the late 1800's, will be honored on his own stamp later this year. You can still visit Owney (who is preserved taxidermically) at the National Postal Museum. Learn more about him by clicking here.

Here are some tips that might help you avoid being bitten by an aggressive dog or, if you're a dog owner, how to keep your canine friend from biting our letter carriers:
  • Don't run past or away from a dog: that energizes their natural instinct to chase.
  • If it seems like a dog might attack, try to place whatever you have readily available (a backpack, a chair, a rake, etc.) between yourself and the dog.
  • If a dog threatens you, try not to run or scream and AVOID EYE CONTACT. Remain as still as possible until the dog retreats a bit. Then, back away slowly until you return to safety.
  • Don't approach dogs that you don't know (and with canines as with people, being a casual aquaintence is not the same as being a real friend), ESPECIALLY if they are tied up, on a leash, or teathered in some other way. This confinement can excite their urges to lunge and pull.
  • Have your dogs spayed or neutered. In addition to helping to control the pet population, you'll also probably end up with a healthier, less aggressive animal.
  • Keep your dogs inside and away from the door when it's time for your letter carrier to arrive.
On a lighter note, San Diego Letter Carrier Ryan Bradford has posted an entertaining series of photos on his blog. You can see them by visiting All the Dogs Want to Kill Me, which was featured last Saturday on National Public Radio.

Postmarks' canine mascot, Alfi, giving a letter carrier a lift