Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Team Talladega drives towards perfection

Congratulations to the Talladega Post Office for earning entrance into the pretigious 100% Retail Customer Experience (RCE) Club! Pictured below are members of the winning retail associate team: David Grisham, Kim Tipton, Stephanie Bussie, Kim Buttrill and Jessica Rice.

"They always work well together," said Talladega Supervisor Dennis Goray. "Everybody blends. We don't have any problems."

Goray is also proud of the generosity of his staff. "Each year at Christmas, they purchase presents for needy families in the community. This year, they adopted three families and provided holiday gifts for five kids."

We Alabamians are a competitive bunch, and Talladega's entrance into the 100% club inspires Postmarks to issue this challenge: let's make it so that that membership in the RCE 100% Club is the norm rather than the exception.

Every post office and every retail clerk is capable of achieving a perfect score, so let's all drive forward together towards the finish line, where 100% of Alabama post offices will have achieved a 100% score. Wouldn't that be an amazing accomplishment? We can do it!