Monday, February 7, 2011

Recipe for Success

In the past decade, the popularity of five-ingredient recipes has soared: a plethora of books, websites, and television shows are devoted solely to this topic.

Busy consumers are craving simple, speedy satisfaction, and the Pelham Post Office is giving them what they want. Pelham's success at doing this became evident to all last month when they were welcomed into the 100% Retail Customer Experience Club.

Pelham Post Office retail associates Danny Brisby, Karen Shelton, Kim Stewart, Sue Stevens, and Jackie Scott
"A lot of times, you hear about employees who are rude to customers. But here in Pelham, the opposite is true: our clerks are a little too friendly," joked Pelham OIC Rhonda Kimbrough. "We have regular customers who drive all the way from ______ (we're not going to post what she said) and other surrounding areas because they say that they would rather come here."

Kimbrough then told Postmarks some of the attributes of each Pelham retail associate:

1. Danny Brisby is on the case when it comes to tracking down lost or delayed passports. In one instance, he located a child's passport the day before the family was scheduled for departure. He is also known for his calm demeaner and ability to soothe both colleagues and customers.

2. One of Karen Shelton's many strengths is her skill at explaining our products and services to customers.

3. Kim Stewart is adept and compassionate when dealing with older customers who might need extra attention.

4. Sue Stevens' specialty is dealing with post office box rentals and completing the accompanying paperwork.

5. Jackie Scott is known for being friendly and helpful. Recently, a customer called the office to report how Jackie had volunteered to go out to his car and carry in a package that was too heavy for him to get inside by himself.

Postmarks joins Kimbrough in feeling proud of the Pelham retail associates and thanks her and Carol Brekle for sharing Pelham's acccomplishment.