Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dear Santa : Letters pass through Birmingham post office |

From Sunday's The Birmingham News:
by Carol Robinson

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. 

If  letters to Santa flowing through the Birmingham Post Office are any indication, you'll have to make an appointment to see him at the Apple Store. 

Because kids don't want Tickle Me Elmos or Cabbage Patch dolls this year. Not little red wagons nor Red Ryder BB guns.
  No, Birmingham's children want tech, and lots of it. 

Take young William. He asked for an iPad, 32 gigabytes and an iPhone 4, also 32 gigabytes. "I know I have been bad sometimes this year," he wrote, "but hopefully you will get me one of these. Thanks, Your Friend." 

Austin, of Alabaster, is also on a quest for the best. He asked for a 54-inch flat screen television and an iPod Touch. 

  "I'm so sorry for being bad," Austin wrote. "I love my family, and want them to be right in the head." 

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