Friday, December 10, 2010

The Buddy System

Hope Hull was one of five Alabama District post offices selected to receive a cash award for remaining accident free for four years.

When asked about their secret to staying safe, Postmaster Sherry Hughes replied, “Most of my carriers have been here a long time. They are very alert to their surroundings.”

Hughes also emphasized the cooperation that occurs in their facility. “We’re on the buddy system out here: if we see somebody doing something unsafe, we tell them, and if we see anyone lifting something that might be too heavy for them, we all jump in and help.”

Acting Safety Specialist George Pelt, Postmaster Sherry Hughes, Clerk Doug Miller, Rural Carrier Ronda Insinga, Rural Carrier Kay Gill, RCA Stacey Brogden

Initially, Postmarks had just planned on congratulating Hope Hull on their Safety award, but when we heard what they are planning to do with the money (which ended up being a little more than $200), we were even more impressed.

Together, in the holiday spirit, they all decided to split the funds between two needy families in their town. "We're telling the families that the money is to be used only to celebrate Christmas," said Hughes.

Everybody could use a buddy like the ones in the Hope Hull group. What a thoughtful gesture to your community! Happy holidays, and we wish you many more accident-free years to come.