Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lighting Pink Candles of Hope at the Birmingham Annex

Working the night shift in a plant makes it difficult for employees to attend most events and activities that take place within the Postal Service, but Tour I employees at the Birmingham Annex were determined to fully participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. From October 7 through the 9th, employees at the Annex held a reception, a candlelight vigil, t-shirt signings, and made Breast Cancer Awareness Stamps available for purchase (no stamps are normally sold at this mail processing facility).

Pictured left to right are Annex Tour I employees Sandra Davis, Denise Sorrelles, and Audrey Betts. Sandra and Audrey were instumental in the planning and organization of this three-day tribute and awareness event.

Annex employees Edward Steele, Audrey Betts, Ray Seay, Sandra Banks, and James Shaw in front of the letter that Banks, an APWU trustee and shop steward, wrote to her co-workers at the Annex announcing the activities, thanking them for their support of the APWU breast cancer awareness t-shirt fundraiser for research, and inviting them to sign two t-shirts: one that would be carried in the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure that Saturday morning, and one for one of their own, Terry King, an Annex employee who is currently fighting her own battle with breast cancer.

Some of the lovely and thoughtful offerings at the Annex Breast Cancer Awareness reception.

Annex employees Linda Burrage, Anita Bell, Loleatha Smiley, and Barbara Hamilton signing one of the breast cancer awareness t-shirts.

From left to right: Bobbie Allen, Stephanie Guy, Linda Burrage, Anita Bell, Sandra Banks, Kathy Brown, Barbara Hamilton, Audrey Betts, Paula Fikes, Anita Bell, and Sharon Davis. Tour I Annex employees united to increase awareness of breast cancer and to show support for Terry King.

Postmarks thanks Annex MDO Pamela Hatchett-Finley for sharing the news of this special event.