Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Alabama District Breast Cancer Awareness Month Results

During October, the Alabama District held breast cancer awareness events at Post Offices around the state, and the results have been phenomenal: Alabama sold $175,000 in Breast Cancer Awareness stamps, which translates into $35,000 going directly into breast cancer research.

Eastbrook in Montgomery was the top selling station, selling $15, 699.20. The traveling trophy is headed to the following offices:
Level 21 & Above MGY Eastbrook Finance Station $15,699.20
Level 18 – 20 Hartselle Post Office $9,032.10
Level 16 & Below Magnolia Springs $1,646.15

The three top-selling window clerks who will receive gift cards are
Jessica King – Eastbrook $9,035.40 1st Prize $100.00 821 sheets
Jacquelyn Wells – Eastbrook 6,468.55 2nd Prize $75.00 588 sheets
Heather Davis – Killen 6,283.20 3rd Prize $50.00 571 sheets

Against the rest of the districts across the country, Alabama came in 4th!

Fantastic job, everyone, and Postmarks will attempt to follow the trophy as it travels to snap some pictures of the winning offices.