Friday, October 1, 2010

This Week's CFC Drawing Winner

During the Combined Federal Campaign drive, every Friday, a winner of various big prizes is selected from all of this year's Leadership Donors. To be a Leadership donor, you have to pledge to give $1,000 or more next year to your choice of charities.

Here is the e-mail announcement from Valerie Johnson, who is the lead coordinator for the Alabama CFC team:

Hello Alabama Team!

Congratulations are in store for the THIRD winner of the Combined Federal Campaign weekly drawing for all members of the "350 Leadership Club" - those that contribute $1000.00 or more, is:
Mr. Robert Haun, Tour 3 - Birmingham Plant. He is the winner of One Night's Accommodations at the Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham

Thanks to Mr. Darryl Clements, Tour 2, SPBS Clerk, Bham Annex, for pulling the winning name. The CFC team will be designating someone each week to select the winner.


Continue to get your pledges in. To be included in the WEEKLY FRIDAY drawings, pledges must be received in the CFC office by each Friday morning.

Address your pledges to: CFC Office, P O Box 10328, Birmingham, AL 35202-0328.

Some of the prizes to be awarded WEEKLY to LEADERSHIP CONTRIBUTORS include:
Fitness Members from 1 to 6 months
Personal Training Certificates
Overnight Lodging at the Courtyard Marriott
Overnight Lodging at Drury Inn 280
18 Holes of Golf w/Cart
Restaurant Gift Certificates
Alabama & Auburn Apparel
Gift Cards to Retail Outlets

Drawings will be held at the end of the campaign for all other contributors.
Thanks for your support!

Valerie Johnson
Rhonda Henry
Joane Jemison
Kathy Martin-Armstead