Monday, October 4, 2010

The Difference that a Letter (and Letter Carrier) Can Make

When Sheffield, Alabama customer Robin Suab wanted to express her gratitude to Kenny Stevenson, her letter carrier, she didn't send an email, make a phone call, or post on Twitter or Facebook: she sat down and with a pen and paper wrote a letter to Stevenson's boss, Postmaster Ricky Brewer.

It's not often that we Postal employees get to read other people's mail, so enjoy.

Here's the second page:

Brewer was pleased to receive the letter but was not at all surprised. Brewer is quick to state that Stevenson is an excellent employee and a very nice person. "We all work together in this office to serve our customers," said Brewer. "All of my employees have Postal Pride."

Kenny Stevenson

Brewer added that on the morning of Postmarks' visit to Sheffield, a 90-year-old customer and his 70-year-old son had visited the Sheffield Post Office because the father had recently moved into an assisted-living facility and was worried about receiving his mail at his new address. "When I told him that Kenny was there and had taken care of everything, he immediately felt better," Brewer said.

That wasn't the end of the story. The customer who had written to Brewer did as she had promised in her first letter and also wrote about Kenny to Postmaster General Potter. Soon, a letter of commendation from PG Potter arrived in Sheffield, too.

Brewer presented the letter to Stevenson at the Sheffield office. All of his co-workers were proud of Stevenson and were glad that he was receiving some much-deserved attention. “This is an honor for him and for his family, too," said Brewer. "Everybody in the office gathered around to look at it and congratulate him."

Kenny Stevenson has worked for the Postal Service for nearly 25 years (during which time he has been bitten by dogs 3 times). He enjoys carrying mail in Sheffield, which he says is "just like Mayberry."

Surely, he has helped lots of customers during that time, but he is slow to sing his own praises. His wife Darlene, who is also a Postal employee, said, "Kenny is modest. He really does a lot for his customers: they all love him."

Postmarks thanks Kenny Stevenson, Darlene Stevenson, and Ricky Brewer for sharing this story with us.