Monday, February 22, 2010

On The Ball in Waterloo

Rural Carrier Denise High of Waterloo is the winner of this week's On The Ball award. On January 22, Denise noticed that mail was accumulating in a customer's mailbox and realized that she hadn't seen him in several days. "Normally, I would see him walking across the road to get his mail," Denise said.

Initially, Denise thought that perhaps the elderly gentleman had gone to visit family and had forgotten to have his mail held because she had not seen his vehicle, but on this day, she noticed that his truck was parked in the back of the residence, partially hidden from view.

She began to worry and asked the neighbors if they had seen the fellow. They said that they had seen him recently, but when they came over to check on the dog who was kept on a chain in the yard, the dog was dead.

Denise alerted her postmaster, Brandi Woods, who called the local authorities and asked them to do a wellness check. Sadly, they found the customer deceased in the residence.

Because of Denise's efforts, the gentleman's family was able be notified of his passing.

Postmaster Brandi Woods and Rural Carrier Denise High: Waterloo, Alabama

This is not the first time that Denise has shown true concern for the well-being of the customers on her route. Over the course of her 24-year Postal career, she also prevented a housefire from spreading and helped an elderly customer with a severe wound receive medical attention.

Denise, we here at Postmarks applaud your dedicated service. The Postal customers on your route are certainly lucky to have such a caring, observant carrier.

Please send in nominations for our weekly award, and don't forget that we are always looking for new trophy designs.