Thursday, February 18, 2010

New York Carrier Makes Amazing Catch

Monday, in Albany, New York, carrier Lisa Harrell displayed her athletic prowess and fitness for duty when she caught a 25-pound baby that fell out of a second-story window.

Harrell, who has been with the Postal Service for 14 years, noticed the baby in the window while making deliveries. "I had an express piece of mail, so I deviated from my first couple of stops, "Harrell said.

While on her way to deliver the piece of express mail, the baby fell out the window and landed on Harrell, who instinctively reached out and caught it.

The mother of the child ran out, snatched the baby from Harrell, said a quick thank you, and rushed back to her apartment. Afterwards, she refused to come out and answer any questions about the incident.

We here at Postmarks think that Harrell deserves much more recognition than that for her amazing catch, perhaps something akin to a crystal football (or in her case, a crystal baby). And thank goodness for that piece of Express Mail that caused Harrell to veer off of her normal route. Note to the public: Express Mail saves lives!

To read more about the incident and to watch a video clip of Harrell on the local news, click here.