Monday, April 23, 2012

The Birmingham BURRP

Last Friday, employees at the District offices in Birmingham responded to the Earth Day call to Bring UR Recyclable Paper from home (BURRP) to add to the revenue that we grow through the USPS Green Initiative.

The response was amazing. All departments participated. In fact, there was so many staff members who showed up with their bags full of paper from home that we had to turn some of them away when it came time to take the picture in the confined upstairs entrance.

As promised, those who brought paper from home were entered into a drawing for a chance to win a gift basket. The winner was Injury Comp Specialist Suzanne Hutchinson.

Do you know what would be even better? If somehow, we could get every Alabama employee involved. Wouldn't it be an incredible accomplishment if we could motivate all 9,000 (approximately) of us to bring in just one pound of paper from home every Friday for a year?

How could we do that? If you have any ideas, please submit them to Postmarks by clicking above on Contact Us.