Friday, April 27, 2012

Anniston: Working together to make it work

Employees at the Anniston Post Office have had to face many changes and challenges in the past year, but in spite of everything, they still come together when it's time to get things done.

Right now, Anniston has the highest VOE scores in the Alabama District with 89.5.

To thank the employees, Anniston Postmaster Sheila Laney and her supervisors arranged a thank you celebration. Everyone was given a special t-shirt that was collaboratively designed, and Laney and the supervisors purchased and prepared food for a hot dog bar for breakfast.

When asked, "Why hot dogs at 8 a.m.?" Laney replied, "We didn't want to just go out and buy some food. We picked something that everyone would like that we actually could make for them to show our appreciation."

We asked Laney what factors have contributed to Anniston's VOE success. "Communication is a big one," she said. "And I think that honesty is important, too. We (managers) don't have to have all of the answers, but we have to let employees know what's going on. Employees have to be able to trust us."

"I do care," said Laney. "People need to know that you genuinely care."

Members of all levels of Laney's staff seem to be on the same page.

Carrier David Alexander said, "If we can communicate, then we can get along."

Rural Carrier Tracy Jackson added, "If we all work together, then everything works out."

Laney to the group: "This is a huge accomplishment, especially considering all that we're going through. I really do appreciate each and every one of you."

At the gathering, two carriers were recognized for reaching career milestones. Below is David Skinner being given his certificate for 30 years of postal service. Not pictured is Bruce Tankersley, who was commended for 34 service years.