Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ensley Post Office employees make wishes come true

Once again, the employees at the Ensley Post Office did everything that they could to make some children and families very happy at Christmas. 

They  asked a social worker from the Department of Human Services for wishlists from needy children in their area and, after receiving the lists of four kids, proceeded to contribute enough money so that EVERY ITEM THAT THE CHILDREN REQUESTED FROM SANTA WAS PURCHASED!

Ensley Post Office staff with the load of presents right before they were wrapped for delivery.

"We always have our hearts open to help. Whatever we can do, Ensley will do,” said Ensley SSA Synthia Crutchfield.

What makes their efforts even more selfless and special  is that their gift was made anonymously: the presents were delivered to the social worker, who then delivered them to the two families.

Karen Guin, Lisa Taylor, and Cheryl Boren are making their lists and checking them twice. 

With the $500 that was donated by the Ensley employees, Karen did all of the shopping because she has a reputation for always finding the best deals. 

While Karen was in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, she saw firsthand how contagious kindness and good will towards others can be. "When the teen-age clerk at Rack Room heard who I was buying for, he asked, 'Do you do this every year? Can I donate?'" Karen told us, so touched by the young man's gesture that choking back tears was impossible.

Another customer at Macy's heard what Karen was doing and contributed her valuable coupons to Ensley's cause. 

Ensley, thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.