Thursday, November 3, 2011

Standing strong behind one of our own in Fairfield

Fairfield City Carrier Brenda Johnson, a 25-year Postal employee, recently achieved an even more important milestone: a breast cancer survivor, Brenda has now been cancer free for 4 years.

Brenda attributes her recovery and current clean bill of health to the love and support of her family, as well as from a close friend named Gwen Jackson, who encouraged her and got her involved in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, which she completed last month.

To commemorate Brenda's lasting good health, fellow employee Jacqueline Washington came up with the idea to create a breast cancer survivors' board for her at the Fairfield Post Office. The board is behind Brenda and Jacqueline (r) in the picture above.

The Fairfield staff celebrates Brenda's healthy status and asks us to join them in wishing Brenda and all survivors of breast cancer continued success in remaining cancer free.