Friday, November 18, 2011

EAP's Dr. Patricia Hamilton: Could it be depression?

In the world today, many individuals may find themselves depressed because of  the many changes that are occurring in our economy.  These issues are taking a toll on everyone and are affecting almost every family with problems, such as the loss of a home, unemployment, family problems, marital issues, drastic changes within the workplace, and different illnesses.

 Depression may be characterized by a persistent state of sadness and despair, and may interfere with a person’s daily life and may cause pain for both the individual and those who care about that person. 

The symptoms of depression may be manifested in different ways, such as the feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, guilt or worthlessness; sadness, crying, tearfulness; difficulty in concentrating or making decisions; loss of interest in participating in pleasurable activities; anger or emptiness; fatigue, sleeping too much or too little. 

Experiencing brief periods of depression is normal, but the symptoms may vary in severity and duration, and are part of almost every person’s life. 

Maybe you are not sure if you are suffering from depression or just a case of the blues.  Here are some simple steps that you can take to help you to overcome these symptoms:  

  •         Be around positive people.  Their enthusiasm will energize you and lift your spirits.
  •         Keep a regular schedule of sleeping and waking.  Irregular or interrupted sleep adds to fatigue and depression.
  •         Avoid alcohol or drugs.  These substances can cause or worsen depression.
  •        Maintain a healthy diet.  Limit your sugar and caffeine intake.
  •        Exercise regularly.  Do something physical daily, even if it’s just walking around the block.
  •        Do something new.  Walk or drive to a new place, try a new restaurant.
  •        Express yourself.  Get to the heart of your feelings through writing, painting, etc.  Enjoy doing something creative. 
  •        Be good to yourself.  Practice relaxation exercises, visualize pleasant scenes, take a warm bath, and listen to soft music, read a good book.