Friday, October 7, 2011

Funding the cure for breast cancer in Birmingham

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and yesterday, the lobby of the Birmingham Main Post Office was packed with customers and staff who want to do their part to fund the cure.

The Breast Cancer Awareness stamp was introduced as the first semipostal  in 1998 (which means that the cost of the stamp is a little higher than the price of a regular first-class stamp in order to fund a charitable cause).  $2.20 of every booklet sold goes directly towards funding breast cancer research. So far, over $73.5 million has been raised.

The main speaker was Thelma Brown from the Susan G. Komen Foundation. She is pictured above with Birmingham Postmaster Mike Allison. After Ms. Brown spoke about how many lives are affected by this disease and stressed the need for early detection,  Allison presented her with a gift of appreciation.

Later on in the event, breast cancer survivors were asked to stand and be recognized. From left to right: Thelma Brown, Clerk Terri Davis, Mike and Stefany Allison, and Retail Specialist Gloria Conaway-Jones.

Attendees lined up to learn more about breast cancer and...

for cake and pink lemonade, too, of course. 

Clerk Terri Davis (l) is embraced by Donna Gaines. Many of you may remember Terri from last year's Birmingham event and from our newsletter. Terri's battle with breast cancer began again this year, and she has gone through a lot.

Terri graciously agreed to share in depth her story with us, so within the coming week, we'll post a feature article about her and her struggles and triumphs with this disease.

Marketing Manager Bridgett Carroll with Reginald Capers. Carroll challenged every employee to purchase a book of breast cancer awareness stamps during the month of October on our quest to fund the research that will find a cure for breast cancer. 

Note: If any Postal employees are running next Saturday in Birmingham in this year's Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, let us know so that we can all arrange to meet up together.