Thursday, September 22, 2011

Watching out for the other guy

Demopolis City Carrier Tony Reaves is another of our Alabama District employees to be presented with the National Safety Council's Award of Honor for achieving 10 years (or 100,000 miles) of on-the-job driving without being responsible for an at-fault accident.

"I wish that we had more employees like Tony," said Demopolis Postmaster Carleton Pickel.

Demopolis Postmaster Carleton Pickel with Demopolis City Carrier Tony Reaves
With 25 years of Postal service behind him, Tony's advice about staying safe is simple: "Do what the boss says to do, and watch out for the other guy," he said.

One of Tony's favorite stories about experiences on his route happened years ago. He was on foot delivering mail and saw a young boy fall off of his bicycle. The child yelled to Tony, "Hey, aren't you going to help me get up?"

Of course, Tony did just that, and a friendship began. "That child is now grown and recently told that story at his graduation," Tony said.

"I love my job, and I love the people on my route. I always have," Tony said.