Monday, September 26, 2011

The Robertsdale Road Crew

For the past month or so, we've been featuring the Alabama District employees who have received commendation for safe driving from the National Safety Council. 

Today, the spotlight is on the Robertsdale Post Office, where safe drivers seem to have flocked together.

Years of accident-free driving are listed next to the employees' names. Everybody with 10 or more years of safe driving received the NSC's Award of Honor.

First row: Postmaster Charles Tucker, Kathryn Anderson (18 years), Brigitte Pierce (14 years), Kyle Murphy (16 years)
 Second row: Frank Badners (16 years), Richard Liles (32 years), Mike Huffmaster (17 years), and Anthony Cooper (14 years)

About his staff, Robertsdale Postmaster Charles Tucker said, "This group of great employees has saved the Postal Service a lot of money through the years by being accident free. Add up all these years,  and it's a total of 161 years for them all. This is a very dedicated group that I'm really proud of."

This picture is of the Robertsdale accident-free Rural Carrier Associates: Christina Thompson (9 years), Debbie Gholson (12 years), Jeannie Williams (6 years) and Kim Burke (7 years).

"Without good substitute carriers,  we can't survive," Tucker said.

The top achiever is Rural Carrier Richard Liles. "He has 32+ years without a motor vehicle accident (over 800,00 miles), no industrial accidents,and a sick leave balance of 1928 hrs. He's the type of employee that makes the Postal Service proud. I know I am," Tucker said about Liles.

What an impressive group of safety-conscious employees. We hope to see you all again next year when your award-winning numbers grow even larger.

Postmarks thanks Charles Tucker for sending the pictures and for telling us all about his great crew.