Saturday, September 3, 2011

Maplesville's Million Mile Man, John Higginbotham

A few weeks ago, we posted about Maplesville's John Higginbotham receiving the National Safety Council's Award of Honor.  Since then, the veteran rural carrier added another feather to his cap, the even more prestigious Million Mile Award.

Maplesville Postmaster Sherry Burt with Rural Carrier John Higginbotham

The Maplesville crew gathered to celebrate his achievement and to surprise him with a special breakfast that they prepared in his honor. 

"This is something that I always wanted to achieve but never thought that I would accomplish," John humbly said to the group. 

"When I first started with the Postal Service, this was something I never dreamed would happen. Time sure passes quickly." 

After the brief ceremony, Sherry Burt was proud to be the one to present John with his Million Mile pin. "I never thought that I'd be fortunate enough to give that to somebody," said Sherry. 

John Higginbotham and Sheila Crocker
The affection and admiration that the rest of the Maplesville staff have for John was obvious. 

And he feels the same way about his co-workers. "A lot of the credit goes to them," he said. "We help each other and look out for each other. I have a great place to work."

Sherry Burt and Donna Barnhill

John wasn't the only person in the office to receive a safe driving award: Rural Carriers Donna Barnhill (13 years) and Tonya Carter (4 years) also received National Safety Council pins 
Sherry Burt and Tonya Carter

Congratulations to all of the Maplesville safe drivers, and we hope to see you all again next year!