Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birmingham Save America's Postal Service Rally

A crowd gathered yesterday in front of the Birmingham Main Post Office for one of 492 Save the Post Office rallies that were conducted by postal employees nationwide.

The four employee unions joined forces to encourage support for H.R. 1351, which would prevent lay-offs and service cuts by allowing the Postal Service to utilize billions of dollars in pension overpayments. This would cost taxpayers nothing.

On this day, all employees marched united.

During the hour, participants tried to inform the public and motivate them to contact their representatives before it's too late.

Birmingham APWU President Edgar Wallace was one of several speakers in front of the APWU union hall, which is located across the street from the post office.

City Carrier Kimberly Humphrey (center)

Clerk Harry Turner

Retired clerk and current APWU Legislative Director Sara Witherspoon

APWU officials Billy Woods, Ron Nesmith, Mike Morris, and Jerry McIlvain

Nesmith said, "We're here today to get the public to talk to their Congress people. The post office serves everybody. Not private industry: private industry leaves people out in the cold."

Amanda Wright doesn't work for the post office, but her friend does. Her friend had to work, so Amanda attended in her place. "I'm here to support my best friend. If all of these cuts go through, that's her livelihood," Amanda said.

Clerk and Birmingham APWU Editor Audrey Betts

More pictures will be posted in a Facebook album in the next couple of days.