Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Safe Driver Awards in Center Point

After the Center Point Safety awards last Friday, newly appointed Alabama District Safety Manager Roy Campbell said in amazement, "I have never seen so many people receive safety awards at one time. "

Indeed, the number of Center Point employees who received commendation for driving safely WAS astounding: 54 Safe Driver pins were handed out, and 45 of them were for driving more than 10 years without an at-fault accident.

"For as many routes as we have - 46 - and for as many of our employees to not have had accidents for as many years as they have accrued is truly amazing,” said Center Point Customer Service Manager Tommy Morrison.

The morning began with City Carrier Morris Wilkinson being presented with the National Safety Council's Driver of the Year for our area. Mr. Wilkinson, who recently reached his 70th year of federal service milestone, has driven 64 years without an at-fault accident in a Postal vehicle.

Roy Campbell presents the Driver of the Year award to Morris Wilkinson
“Whether you like it or not, you serve as an example to others,” Campbell told Wilkinson. All of Wilkinson’s Center Point co-workers applauded.

 He is now in the running for the national Driver of the Year award, and since the awards are given based on years of service combined with years of accident-free driving, we expect that he will receive that one, too.

Here are just some of the pictures from our visit to Center Point. As soon as we can, we will put an album that contains all of the pictures on our Facebook page.

Morrison presents a Safe Driver pin to Rural Carrier Brenda Lowe for 17 years of safe driving. Supervisor Lonnie Williams cheers her on.

Tommy Morrison and City Carrier Brian Echols (22 years of safe driving)

City Carrier Jerry Alford (15 years of safe driving) and Morrison

Morrison and City Carrier Fabrizia Hammond (15 years of safe driving)
Morrison with Safety Specialist Rebecca Bryars and City Carrier John Hedgepath (15 years)

Center Point award winners

City Carriers Herman Bryant (14 years of safe driving) and Gena Meadows (5 years without an accident) after the brief ceremony