Monday, June 6, 2011


HAZWOPPERS are a select group of postal inspectors who receive special training and are certified as Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Responsers. They are the federal agents who can tread through areas that are potentially contaminated by leaking or suspicious parcels and letters in order to collect evidence.

Agents from Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee received this year's training and certification at the Birmingham P&DC (HAZWOPPERs must be recertified annually).  

While most cities already have trained emergency hazmat responders, their focus is usually on containing the substance and treating victims. "They are not trained investigators, usually aren't used to testifying in criminal cases, and don't understand the intricacies of mail processing," said Postal Inspector Tony Robinson.

The HAZWOPPER suit includes a full face mask that is attached to an air pump.  They are also armed with portable chemistry sets and other equipment.

Before they suited up, classroom training covered protocols and equipment usage, which included the use of x-ray devices. Postal Inspectors Stephan Matthews and Tony Robinson, who are both domiciled in Birmingham, were two of the participants.

Postmarks appreciates all of the HAZWOPPERS for their willingness to put themselves on the line in order to stop criminals ( and also for being willing to wear those stifling suits) and thanks Postal Inspector Robinson for sharing the information about them.