Friday, June 24, 2011

Hartselle is at it again

That Hartselle Post Office staff: they'll do anything (anything GOOD, we should say) to get attention. What's this, the third, fourth, or tenth time we've had them on the blog?

First there was the breast cancer awareness event that they had last year where they painted everyone's hair pink. Then, it was the traveling trophy that they won last October for Breast Cancer Awareness Stamp sales. What was next? Their first entry into the 100% RCE Club.

In this case, more is always better.

Congratulations all around to the Hartselle retail staff for once again scoring 100% on the Retail Customer Experience Survey and for achieving a renewed membership in the 100% RCE Club.

Pictured above are Hartselle OIC Tania Cason, SSA Janna Martin, SSA Rick Lamar, SSA Sandra Latta, and Supervisor Heather Fairbanks.

Of her staff, Heather Fairbanks says, "This team worked very hard to maintain the mystery shop score. I am very proud to say that I work with this group! We have a wonderful team!"

Indeed they do.

It's hard to tell if the hands below them are clapping or begging for customer service pointers. Either interpretation works.

Great job, Hartselle! We can't wait until the next time we get to see you (and there will definitely be a next time).