Thursday, June 30, 2011

Farewell to a first-class fellow

Tomorrow will be a sad day for many Alabama Postal employees: Shelby Postmaster Merrell Ponder will be saying good-bye.

After 30 years with the United States Postal Service, Merrell has decided that it is time for him to retire. Friday, July 1, will be his last day on the job. 

Merrell is well known across Alabama for his kindness, intelligence, and humor, and many of us are going to  be sorry to see him go.

Merrell began his career in 1981 when a cousin, who was at the time a rural carrier in Anniston, said to him, "You ought to try being a sub."

This suggestion appealed to Merrell. He had just finished his military service as an industrial engineer and was hoping to find a new job that had a less-toxic work environment.

In 1987, he became a full-time rural carrier, and soon afterwords, rose to the ranks of Postmaster. Before holding his current post at Shelby, Merrell had been the Postmaster at Saginaw, Sycamore, and Columbiana.

"It has been interesting seeing all of the changes," Merrell said. "And sad to see the situation that the Postal Service is in now."

He looks forward to having the time and freedom to explore his other interests. "I want to travel, catch up on  some things, and enjoy the change of pace," he said.

(A) Area 3 Manager of Post Office Operations Reginald Capers (l) with Shelby Postmaster Merrell Ponder

To show the Alabama District's appreciation for Merrell's 30 years of devoted service, earlier this week, Acting Area 3 Manager of Post Office Operations Reginald Capers presented him with certificates of recognition from both himself and from District Manager William Mitchell, along with an engraved clock.

Shelby is a tiny office, and unfortunately, the few other employees who work there were on their routes when the brief presentation took place.

So to make up for that, everyone now join Postmarks in congratulating Merrell Ponder on achieving 30 years of service, bidding him a fond farewell, and wishing him nothing but the best in the years to come!