Thursday, June 9, 2011

3 in a row in Roanoke

For the third time in row, window clerks at the Roanoke Post Office have scored a 100% in the Retail Customer Experience (RCE) survey. For those of you who work in other jobs, this means that Roanoke clerks have been flawless when it comes to these 4 elements of customer service that are rated by non-postal observers: hazmat, wait time in line, promotion and merchandising, and image.

Postmaster Rick Cadle, SSA Carolyn Goode, SSA Deletha Witteveen
"The Sales and Service Associates at Roanoke Post Office have proven themselves to be the best at what they do. They take pride in customer service, revenue generation and professionalism and set the example for others to follow," said Roanoke Postmaster Rick Cadle about his conscientious staff.

Postmarks salutes the Roanoke clerks' performance and challenges every office to follow their perfect example!