Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day in Alabama

Already this year, the Alabama District has achieved a 10.9% reduction in kilowatt hours! But we can do even better. Here are some tips from Ed Abrams to help us conserve both energy and money: 

Turning off lights is just one of many no/low cost actions that will help USPS reach its goal of reducing facility energy use and intensity 30 percent by 2015. Other ways to save energy include:
                       1. Turn off your monitor at the end of the day.
                       2. Unplug “vampire” charging devices when not in use.
                       3. Close window blinds during the summer months and open them during the winter.
                       4. Take the stairs instead of the elevator (a great way to get exercise too!).
                       5. Use revolving entryway doors instead of standard doors.
                       6. Adjust the thermostat. A minor change in temperature can make a big difference. When the building   is occupied, the thermostat should be set to 65 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees during the summer. When the space is unoccupied, the thermostat should be set back as much as possible.
                       7. Follow appropriate guidelines to shut down all equipment to the extent possible when not needed.

There's also the new Go Green stamp set: 

“The idea was to keep it light,” says art director Derry Noyes, “not to scold as if shaking a finger and saying, ‘Go do all these things and make the planet better.’”
She knew of one artist who might be perfect for the job: a filmmaker and animator who had founded a nonprofit group, Climate Cartoons, to create kid-friendly environmental messages. So in the spirit of “reuse and recycle,” Derry recycled one of her oldest relationships — recruiting her older brother, Eli, for the project.