Thursday, February 24, 2011

Police won't listen? Tell your mailman.

Carol Anne Bond was thrilled when she learned that her best friend, Myrlinda Hayes, was pregnant. However, the thrill was gone when she learned that her husband, Clifford Bond, was the baby's father.

Carol Anne Bond, a microbiologist, then stole chemicals from her workplace and proceeded to attempt to poison Hayes by sprinkling toxic powder on Hayes' apartment door, her car door, and her mailbox.

When Hayes noticed the powder and how it burned her fingers, she called the local police, who told her to just wipe it off. Frustrated by their lack of concern and action, Hayes mentioned it to her her mailman, who got the ball rolling: he told his supervisor, who notified the postal inspectors, who set up the video surveillance that caught Bond stealing Hayes' mail and placing the poison inside her mailbox and car muffler.

According to CNN, "Instead of being charged with simple assault, which may have gotten her six months to a year or two in state prison, Bond was indicted in federal court on two counts of mail fraud and the bombshell: two counts of violating a federal law and international treaty for the possession and use of 'chemical weapons.' "

Now, Bond's case is being heard in the Supreme Court: she and her lawyers think that it was inappropriate for her to have been charged with federal crimes. She received a much harsher sentence ( 6 years in prison plus $12,000 in fines) than she would have if she had been prosecuted locally. 

Bond wants out of her sentence but not out of her marriage: she and her husband are still together. He has visited her in prison. 

To read more about this case, type her name into the search engine of your choice or go to the CNN article about it by clicking here.