Friday, January 7, 2011

And the winner is...

Back in November, Postmarks asked that you place your vote for best stamp of 2010 in Beyond the Perf's contest. There were so many great ones last year that it was hard to decide, but the winner is ...

The Adopt-A-Shelter-Pet Stamps

The stamps were a huge hit with customers, too. So far, they have purchased 13.4 million panes, which has generated more than $117 million in revenue. 

Last year in Alabama, there were two stamps for which post offices state wide conducted events: the Adopt-A-Shelter-Pet stamps and the Breast Cancer Awareness stamps, and sales were phenominal for both. The stamps' popularity combined with a decisive effort to publicize them is what lead to their success.

Postmarks challenges every employee to glance over the upcoming stamp releases for 2011. Which ones catch YOUR eye, relate to something in your community, make YOU react with excitement?

We want to hear your ideas about what your offices might be able to do to generate a buzz. We will help any office plan events, request and design pictorial postmarks, design commemorative envelopes (when warranted), and of course with publicity.