Friday, December 3, 2010

Killen the Competition

When asked about Killen SSDA Heather Davis, Postmaster Don Ross replied, "She interacts with the customers extremely well. She tries to make the job fun while serving them." And then he added, " She’s also very competitive.”

So it was no big surprise to Ross when Davis placed third in Alabama  in the October Breast Cancer Awareness sales contest and won a $50 gift card. Davis sold $6283.20 or 571 sheets of stamps.

However, he was shocked when she had sold all of the Breast Cancer Awareness stamps that he had ordered in three days. For the remainder of the month, he had to borrow stamps from other post offices in the area, barely able to keep up with her.

When asked about the secret to her success, Davis answered, "It’s all about having fun."

She said that when customers bought the stamps, she gave them one of the large Lifesavers candies and said to them, “Thank YOU for being a lifesaver.”

“But don’t be giving away my idea." Heather said to Postmarks (please, nobody tell her that we spilled the beans).  "I’m on it for next year.”

Pictured from left to right: SSDA Jonathan Bassham, Heather Davis, and Don Ross. Ross said that the Killen sales staff has been in the Alabama District's top 10 offices for Retail Customer Experience for the past 10 years straight.

Davis' light-hearted and relaxed approach to her customers really pays off for the Postal Service. Recently, when Killen received an over-abundance of packaging tape to sell, Heather decided that November was National Packaging Tape Month. All of that tape didn't stick around long at the Killen Post Office.