Thursday, November 25, 2010

A True Hero

On November 15, 2010, Mobile AMS Specialist Mary Freeman attended the JINSA Grateful Nation Awards on behalf of her son, Christopher, who was one of six recipients. According to JINSA, "The Grateful Nation Award, established in 2003, is presented annually to six young heroes recognized for having distinguished themselves through superior conduct in the War on Terrorism. Honorees are chosen by their respective service and come from the enlisted, noncommissioned officer and junior officer ranks. Honorees represent each of the five branches of the U.S. military and the U.S. Special Operations Command."

Christopher, a pararescue team leader in the US Army, declined to attend the event himself because he didn't want another soldier to have to deploy in his place, so his mother Mary, his wife, and his father-in-law were flown to Washington to accept the award on his behalf. 

He received the award for multiple actions of bravery in the War on Terrorism while serving in Afghanistan, including saving the lives of three wounded soldiers in a casualty evacuation mission while sustaining enemy fire. So far, Christopher is responsible for treating 147 patients and saving 98 lives. 

We'll have more about Christopher in the upcoming issue of Postmarks, and we thank Mary Freeman and Rebecca DeMouy for sharing his story with us. 

On the Thanksgiving Day, we are grateful for the unselfish service and dedication of Christopher and all of our other active duty soldiers who are away from their families today. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!