Monday, November 22, 2010

The Sweet Taste of Victory at the Pelham Post Office

Pelham Carrier Kimberly Humphrey was one of four Quarter 3 winners of the Rural Reach/ Customer Connect Contest.  Winners were determined from a combination of the numbers of leads submitted with the most successful leads that resulted in sales of $25,000 or more. The winning offices received breakfast.

Pictured are Kimberly Humphrey (l) with Pelham Postmaster Rhonda Kimbrough. Kimberly received breakfast provided for the entire Pelham Post Office staff, a certificate of appreciation, and a gift of Postal memorabilia from Kimbrough for having submitted a successful lead for the store Bama Fever/ Team Fever, which brought in $35,000 of revenue to the USPS.

When asked about her approach to submitting leads, Kimberly replied, "I just know that we have a great product and that we give a much better price and better service. And coming from me, because they know me, my customers believe me."

Congratulations, Kimberly, and we look forward to hearing about who is going to win this quarter.